Nothing to eat in the house

Photo by Vegan Liftz on

Hello friends,

Picture this: You finally get home after a long day and your stomach is growling.

So you tell yourself, “Time for a healthy, home-cooked meal!”

But then you raid your fridge, cabinets, and pantry, and…

Not a healthy option in sight.

If this sounds familiar, you are NOT alone.

And it doesn’t just happen with home-cooked meals. Without careful attention, other healthy habits can quickly fall off your radar, too.

Like when your schedule gets a little out of control and you let a few workouts slide… 

Or you end up staying up too late one night and spend the rest of the week trying to catch up on your sleep.

We unintentionally create so many unnecessary obstacles that block us from reaching our goals!


Good news: I’ve got a simple formula that will help you stop that from happening… 

So you can take control of your environment — and get those results you’re working toward.

All you have to do is come up with a “one-two action plan” that:

→ Makes it easy to stick to your goals.

→ Makes it tough to stray off course.

Click here for a couple of examples…

Autumn Wellness

Photo by Inga Seliverstova on

Hello my sweet mindful health conscious friends,

It has been a minute since I have written. I am glad to be back and hope I can add value and new tools to inspire or renew your motivation in your mindful health journey. In the next few weeks I will be sharing more Fall content, which includes, Fall fitness, Fall productivity, Fall Mindset, how to activate happy hormones, and more. 

Autumn feels very much like a fresh start to slow down and get some rest, but it is also a great time for taking a close look at your mindful eating and lifestyle. Use this season change as an opportunity to consider your priorities, set intentions, and work on improving your whole person wellness while also enjoying your life in the changing of the foliage. Unless you live on the southern coast of South Carolina, that will be another month or so, but the sentiment is there. 

Set New Intentions

As the season begins, start setting some new intentions to really tasting your food and paying attention to hunger cues. You can use the previous months as inspiration for what changes you want to make and how you want your mindset to change. Write down what goals and ideas you had earlier in the year, and cross off everything you completed. You then might have some goals that no longer fit where you are now.

Remember intention is not just about your eating and fitness goals, but changes you intend to make in your life and how you want to shift your mindset. For slowing down, this might include slow cooking some autumn squash, scheduling in self-care, or rest, or committing to a better work-life balance.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

It is great to be productive throughout this season, but don’t just keep running your energy tank until it’s on empty. Develop some habits that help you work smarter, not harder, like cooking once, eating twice. For some people, this includes time blocking or focusing on just one task at a time, for others it is about doing the most difficult tasks in the beginning of the day. 

Commit to More Self-Care and Downtime

As you begin slowing down in the fall, make time for more self-care and rest. Some adjustments will need to be made to your daily schedule as you of course still have responsibilities. But chances are, there is time for rest, you just hadn’t really considered it yet. Do you typically work a little past clockout time, or are you dedicating too much time to busy work that isn’t really a priority? This is where you know you can schedule in some more self-care time.

Get Outside Every Day

THIS IS BIG. Try to find more opportunities to get outside, and enjoy the fresh air. Nature is wonderfully healing and can be really therapeutic in the fall. This is when the temperature tends to be the mildest of the year, where you are past the summer heat wave, but winter frost hasn’t started yet. Enjoy the forest, or woods near your house, take your kids to the park, or go to the beach or lake. 

Until next time.

I am here for you every step of the way,


P.S. Feel free to sign up for my newsletter for more great tips and get your free copy of To Always Feel Great In Your Little Black Dress

What Am I Really Hungry For?


The first step to reaching our ideal weight is to find out WHY we eat when we’re not hungry. Being MINDFUL will do this. If we make the effort to discover why we eat when we do, we will learn more than how to shed a few pounds, we will learn about what is going on inside our heads and hearts. Next time you are headed to the refrigerator and realize that you are not hungry but really, really  want to gorge on those last six brownies topped with dark chocolate chips (my fav), HALT and ask yourself, what is going on with me? Why do I want to eat?

Much of the time, not understanding what is bothering us leads to overeating.  It could be stress at work, or the cute guy from the coffee shop who didn’t call, or perhaps your children’s rebellious behavior. Maybe the reason for eating is as simple as boredom, and reaching for a tasty treat offers an exciting solution (at least for our taste buds).

However, at best it is a temporary high to fill a void. Shortly after, the same feelings pop up, with the addition of a bloated pang of guilt. If you are hungry, eat, but make it special. Put it on a pretty dish, then really pay attention to what you are putting into your mouth. Eat without distractions around you — no cell phone, no TV, no computer, no books, no newspaper. MINDFUL eating is learning to use all your senses to get the most out of your food. Smell the food. Look at the colors of food. Think about where it came from. Think about how it feels on your lips and in your mouth. Savor the food’s taste, and chew deliberately.

Our lives are all super busy, but how about starting to PRACTICE mindful eating a little each day? Starting today, let’s listen to our bodies’ wisdom and explore, instead of ignoring what we really need and shoving away our not-so-good feelings. Sometimes, things may get blown out of proportion, but being in tuned with our eating habits and what is going on with our hearts helps both our well-being and our waistline. Instead, Journal it out, give yourself a manicure, ring an old friend, go for a walk, work on that neglected project, or pray, etc. Simply say: I am not going to let this baloney bother me! Most of all do not stuff it. When we face our troubling situations, we become stronger and satisfied.

Feel free to sign up for my newsletter for more great tips and get your free copy of To Always Feel Great In Your Little Black Dress

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Stop Overeating to Live Longer


If you want to live to 100, leaving a little bit of food on your plate may be a good idea. Author Dan Buettner, who studies longevity around the world, found that the oldest Japanese people stop eating when they are feeling only about 80% full.

St. Louis University researchers have confirmed this idea staring that eating less helps you age slower by limiting hormone production associated with the aging process.

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15 Minute Booty Moving Creative Workouts

Hey there, do not even try to think about making the typical excuse for not moving your booty (I don’t have time!). Instead, slip on your training shoes, get a bottle of water, and give yourself 15 minutes (depending on the exercise, this may include a warm up and cool down). You may be astonished to discover the benefits of just one quarter of an hour stint has. I find most days; I can fit in two of these 15-minute quickies. Always a good reminder, if you haven’t exercised in quite a while, check in with your doctor before starting this, or any, new exercise regimen.

Because let me tell you, your body is a tremendous gift that God lends to you so you can use it for his glory!

Master the Stairs Walk inside or out at a gentle stride for about 5 minutes, just to warm up. Then, walk or jog briskly up and down a flight of stairs or hill for about 5 minutes. As you get stronger, you can walk even more briskly and lengthen the time to 10 minutes. Wrap up your mini training session with another 5-minute gentle walk to cool down.

Walk the Walk Decide on a walking course—it could be around a few blocks in your neighborhood, or through a trail or park. Timing yourself, walk at an easy pace for several minutes. Then, pick up the pace and walk as fast as you can for several minutes. You should have difficulty speaking at your fastest pace. Now, slow it down for a few minutes to catch your breath. Pick up the pace again, followed by another cool-down. Repeat for 15 minutes.
Side Note: If you are waiting around for something or someone, don’t take it sitting down: move some. Of course if you’re waiting for professional purposes or the like and you do not want to get sweaty, stroll at a leisurely pace. It will still be good for your body and keep you polished.

Work in a Kitchen Workout Since you’re preferably preparing more meals at home now that we’re becoming more aware of not knowing what all goes into food outside the home, doing a 15-minute kitchen workout should be easy. For instance, while you’re waiting for the (ancient grains) pasta water to boil or the brown rice to cook, hold on to a kitchen chair and do 10 leg raises to the front, each side and then 10 to the rear. Repeat as many times as you can. Then, place your hands on the edge of a counter, and get in some half pushups. Do as many as you can. Now repeat this sequence of leg raises and pushups until 15 minutes have elapsed. I love to throw in some ballet plié’s (I also do this while I am getting ready for the day/night or ironing.)

Do Double-Duty Cleaning Multitask by combining a cleanup with a workout and you end up with an uncluttered house and a feeling of accomplishment for fitting in some exercise. Set your cell phone timer for 15 minutes, and then sprint from room to room, from downstairs to upstairs, doing as much cleaning as you can under pressure from the timer. It’s amazing how much you can get done in terms of de-cluttering and dusting when you move at top speed. And you’ll work in some cardio too. I also will do a sort of cha cha or salsa dance with the vacuum.

Don’t Forget Your Core You’ll need a mat or carpeted floor and comfortable clothes; music is optional. If you like, take off your shoes so you can flex and point your toes more easily. Choose a few core strengthening exercises; such as planks, crunches, bicycles, and twists. Do as many as you can in 15 minutes, breathing through each exercise. Always start with the minimum number of reps and add more and more advanced moves, as you get fitter.

Be creative with these. It’s your workout and your time. Make it yours. What would you do to fit in these 15-minute workouts? Go ahead and put it in the comments.

For more fun ways to get truly healthy and happy check out my website for more information and sign up for my newsletter and get a copy of  14 Loving Ways to Nourish Your Soul for free. You will find ways to take back your power body, mind, and soul!